Seamless Sports wear, full of energy and vitality


In the hot summer season, we can't stop the pace of sports and fitness, but how should we choose the right sports clothing during the exercise?

1. Black navel pants sports vest, full of movement, simple and comfortable.

The black crop sport vest is the perfect choice for sportswear, which is comfortable and natural, but also accentuates the beautiful lines of the upper body.

Because it is a tight version, so can also foil the girl's slim figure, highlight her shoulders. Matching black and white dress, not only stylish, go out also have a good color effect.

The DEEP-BLUE WITHOUT TRACE PANTS NOT ONLY COLOR IS PURE AND FRESH PURE, STILL DRAW THE OUTLINE OF THE BEAUTIFUL LEG LINE THAT GIVES ELDER SISTER YOUNG LADY, DESERVE TO GO UP TO SHOW NAVEL VEST, ALL SHOW SLENDER BEAUTIFUL LEG. The low waist canvas shoes of light blue hue not only set off the color of pants, but also wore very well, both good-looking and highlighted the sweet youth breath of the little sister.

White baseball caps are especially popular in the summer because they make people look glamorous and make today's little sister look less rigid under the overall outfit. Headphones are not only suitable for sports, but also give people a sense of free and easy. They also highlighted Wayan's flexible and direct personality.

Crop tops are great for showing off our attractive waistlines and are ideal for sports. It's great to wear a short skirt that shows off the perfect figure, but it's only for girls with a thin waist and no flab. If THE SCHOOLGIRL DOES NOT SUGGEST TO WEAR THIS KIND OF FAT pants, CAN EXPOSE THE DEFECT OF OUR body, seamless pants is no exception. Girls with slim bodies can challenge and get all dressed up.

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